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GMG In The Know Series™

GMG Monthly In The Know Series

2015 Schedule

  • GMG Monthly Growth Management Guest Expert Interview
  • GMG Monthly Growth Management Business Strategy Session


The GMG In The Know Series™ is a program line up of experts carefully selected by the GMG Team. For years the series was exclusively available only to GMG clients and their guests.

In 2008 the series opened up to all those who are committed to learning, success and growth. We welcome you to check it out. What have you got to gain?

There are two tracks available every month:

GMG Monthly Growth Management Guest Expert Interview
Held the Third Wednesday of Each Month 3:00 PM EST
No registration fee to attend. Click here to register

GMG Monthly Growth Management Business Strategy Session
Held the Second Wednesday of Each Month 3:00 PM EST
No registration fee to attend. Click here to register

Prefer to register for both Click here

Those of you who attend will discover a simple and easy way to be engaged and informed on a broad spectrum of topics often outside of your chosen profession and current avocations.

When is the last time you learned something new from an Expert that had you interested, informed or curious?

We at GMG believe that learning is most valuable when it enhances the quality of our personal and professional lives.

Do you have to ‘do’ anything with what you learn? No. Do you have to ‘agree’ with what you heard? No. Actually, do you remember the joy of learning something new or recognizing that you did not agree with something and being reconnected to your views and values?

Perhaps you may find a new interest or a new idea that stimulates you or provides something new to share with a friend, family, colleague or client.

The topics range across a broad spectrum: Business, Finance, Politics, Spirituality, Sports, Technology, Leadership, Relationships, Strategic Planning, Balance, Money, Peak Performance, Travel, Luxury Living and Adventure.

All of our Guest Speakers are recognized in their fields as Leaders and Masters. They walk their talk and have produced real world results. They do not just discuss or write about topics, they have lived it. Our Guest Speakers are men and women that you can learn from and consider their advice and recommendations. They are that good.

2009 Schedule

GMG Monthly Growth Management Guest Expert Interview
Held the Third Wednesday of Each Month 3:00 PM EST
No registration fee to attend
To register click here

  • August 19, 2015                    Wait List Only
  • September 16, 2015            Full
  • October 14, 2015                  Full
  • November 18, 2015             OPEN
  • December 16, 2015             OPEN

GMG Monthly Growth Management Business Strategy Session
Held the Second Wednesday of Each Month 3:00 PM EST
No registration fee to participate
To register click here

  • August 12, 2015                   Wait List Only
  • September 9, 2015              Full
  • October 7, 2015                    Full
  • November 11, 2015             OPEN
  • December 9, 2015               OPEN

Prefer to register for both Click here